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Academic Publications
Articles published in academic journals
- Farnell, Alex, David Butler, Giambattista Rossi, Robert Simmons, David Berri, and Esperance Yassine Bamba. “Is there a Nationality Wage Premium in European Football?” forthcoming Sports Economics Review (accepted 8-20-24)
- Agha, Nola, Berri, David, Stacey Brook, and Courtney Paulson. (2024) “Exploitation in College Sports. No longer just a man’s game.” forthcoming Journal of Sports Economics Published online: October 13
- Harris, Jill and David Berri (2024). “Pregnancy in the Paint and the Pitch: Does Giving Birth Impact Performance?” Journal of Economics and Statistics. (August) (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik)
Published online DOI:
- Agha, Nola, Van Gilder, Jennifer, Bhat, Akash and David Berri. (2024). “The Effect of National Origin and Skin Color on Playing Time in the WNBA.” (forthcoming Journal of Sports Economics) v25, n6, (August), 735-752. Published online DOI:
- Berri, David. (2024). “No One Got Paid What They Were Worth! Exploring Player Value in the Early History of Professional Basketball”
International Journal of Empirical Economics. (July). v3. n2. Published online DOI:
- Berri, David, Richard Burdekin, Tao, Ran. (2023). “Determinants of Attendance in the Early Days of US Professional Baseball: Panel Estimation, 1892-1940.” Applied Economics .
Published online DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2023.2281294
- Gomez-Gonzalez, Carlos, Helmut Dietl, David Berri, Cornel Nesseler. (2023). Gender Information and Perceived Quality: An Experiment with Professional Soccer Performance. Sport Management Review.
Doi: 10.1080-14413523.2023-2233341
- Paulson, Courtney, Darvin, Lindsey, and David Berri. (2023) “Head Coach Gender and Player Performance in NCAA Softball.” Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy. (May 29)
- Agha, Nola and David Berri (2023) “Demand for basketball: A comparison of the WNBA and NBA”. International Journal of Sport Finance (v18, n1). February.
- Croft, Chris, Paulson, Courtney Stokowski, Sarah, Berri, David J., and Mike Mondello. (2023). “The player makes the coach: Exploring player development among Division I basketball coaches” International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching, (February 9)
Published Online:
- Berri, David, David Butler. Rossi, Giambattista, Rob Simmons, Conor Tordoff. (2023). “Salary Determination in Professional Football: Empirical Evidence from Goalkeepers.” European Sport Management Quarterly
Published online (January)
- Hindman, Lauren, Nefertiti Walker, Courtney Paulson, and David Berri. (2022) “Firing Discrimination of Coaches in the Most ‘Inclusive’ League?: Evidence from the Women’s National Basketball Association.” International Journal of Sport Management. volume 23 (December): p. 256-265
- Tao, Ran, Richard Burdekin, and David Berri. (2022) The Effects of Deflation and Macroeconomic Shocks on Leisure Spending in the Pre-War Era: Evidence from Major League Baseball, 1890-1940. Atlantic Economic Journal, 50, 119–132 (December).
- Berri, David, Rob, Simmons and Alex Farnell. (2022) “Determinants of Black Quarterback Pay in the National Football League.” Managerial and Decision Economics (November)
- Walker, Nefertiti, Thomas Allred, and David Berri (2022). “Could More Dunking Really Help the WNBA?” International Journal of Sport Finance. (November) pp. 187-200.
- Burdekin, Richard, Christian Deutscher, and David Berri (2022) “Nationality Effects on the Allocation of Playing Time in the Chinese Basketball Association: Xenophilia or Xenophobia?” Journal of Sports Economics. v23, n2. pp. 156-174 (February)
- Berri, David J. (2021). “Oscar Robertson, Anti-Trust, and the Fight Against Monopsony Power in the NBA.” The Antitrust Bulletin. v66, n3, pp. 328-358 (September 1)
- Pegoraro, Ann, Heather Kennedy, Nola Agha, Nicholas Brown and David Berri. (2021) “An analysis of broadcasting media using social media engagement in the WNBA. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living Sports Management and Marketing. (May 14).
- Berri, David J. and Anthony Krautmann. (2019). “How Much Did Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption Cost Bob Gibson?’ The Antitrust Bulletin. 64(4) p. 1-18
- Kappes, Heather Barry, Adam L. Alter, Griffin Edwards, David Berri (2019). “Difficult Training Improves Team Performance: An Empirical Case Study of US College Basketball.” Behavioural Public Policy.
First Published Online:
- Greer, Tiffany, Joshua Price, and David Berri. (2019) “Jumping in the Pool: What Determines Which Players the NBA Considers in the NBA Draft?” 14, 1. International Journal of Sport Finance. (February): 43-53
- Holmes, Paul, Rob Simmons, and David Berri (2018). “Moneyball and the baseball players’ labor market.” International Journal of Sport Finance. 13, 2. (May): 141-155.
- Darvin, Lindsey, Pegoraro, Ann and David Berri (2018). “Are Men Better Leaders? An Investigation of Head Coaches’ Gender and Individual Players’ Performance in Amateur and Professional Women’s Basketball.” Sex Roles. 78. (April): 455-466.
Note: Sex Roles is the number one journal in Women Studies
- Fenn, Aju and David Berri (2018). “Drafting a Successful Wide Receiver in the NFL — Hail Mary?” International Journal of Sport Finance. 13, 1. (February): 18-33.
- Harris, Jill and David Berri (2016). “If You Can’t Pay Them, Play Them: Fan Preference and Own-Race Bias in the WNBA.” International Journal of Sport Finance. 11, (August): 163-180
- Harris, Jill and David Berri. (2015) “Predicting the WNBA Draft: What Matters Most From College Performance”, International Journal of Sport Finance. 10, (November): 299-309
- Berri, David J., Christian Deutscher, and Arturo Galletti. (2015) “Born in the USA: National Origin Effects on Time Allocation in US and Spanish Professional Basketball. For special issue of National Institute Economic Review: May. R41-R50.
- Berri, David J. (2015) “Think You Know Basketball? You Need to Know the Numbers to Know the Game” for first issue of Sports & Entertainment Review: v1, n1: 6-13.
- Berri, David J., Michael Leeds, Peter von Allmen. (2015) “Salary Determination in the Presence of Fixed Revenues.”International Journal of Sport Finance, (February). 5-25
- Berri, David J., Jennifer Van Gilder, and Aju Fenn. (2014) “Is the Sports Media Color-blind?” International Journal of Sport Finance, 9: 130-148.
- Berri, David J. and Martin Schmidt. (2013). “On the Evaluation of Kickers in the National Football League.” International Journal of Sport Finance, 8: 263-278
- Berri, David J. (2012) “Did the Players Give Up Money to Make the NBA Better? Exploring the 2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement in the National Basketball Association.” International Journal of Sport Finance, 7: 158-175.
- Berri, David J., Rob Simmons, Jennifer Van Gilder, and Lisle O’Neill. (2011) “What does it mean to find the Face of the Franchise? Physical Attractiveness and the Evaluation of Athletic Performance.” Economics Letters.111: 200-202.
- Simmons, Rob and David J. Berri (2011). “Mixing the Princes and the Paupers: Pay and Performance in the National Basketball Association.” Labour Economics. 18, n3; (June). 381-388
- Robst, John, Jennifer VanGilder, Corrine Coates, and David J. Berri. (2011). “Skin Tone and Wages: Evidence from NBA Free Agents” Journal of Sports Economics. 12, n2; (April). 143-156-388.
- Robst, John, Jennifer Van Gilder, David J. Berri, and Coby Vance. (2011) “Defense Wins Championships? The Answer from the Gridiron.” International Journal of Sport Finance, 5: 296-313
- Berri, David J., Stacey L. Brook, and Aju Fenn (2011). “From College to the Pros: Predicting the NBA Amateur Player Draft.”Journal of Productivity Analysis, 35, n1: 25-35, February.
On-line citation: DOI 10.1007/s11123-010-0187-x.
- Berri, David J. and Rob Simmons. (2011) “Catching a Draft: On the Process of Selecting Quarterbacks in the National Football League Amateur Draft.”Journal of Productivity Analysis, 35, n1: 37-49, February.
On-line citation: DOI 10.1007/s11123-009-0154-6.
- Price, Joseph, Brian Soebbing, David Berri, Brad Humphreys (2010). “Tournament Incentives, League Policy, and NBA Team Performance Revisited.” Journal of Sports Economics. 11, n2; (April). 117-135.
- Berri, David J. and Stacey Brook (2010). “On the Evaluation of the “Most Important” Position in Professional Sports.” Journal of Sports Economics. 11, n2; (April): 157-171.
- Berri, David J. and J.C. Bradbury (2010). “Working in the Land of Metricians.” Journal of Sports Economics, 11, n1; (February): 29-47.
- Krautmann, Anthony, Peter Von Allmen, and David J. Berri. (2009) “The Underpayment of Restricted Players in North American Sports Leagues.” International Journal of Sport Finance, 4, n3; (August): 155-169.
- Berri, David J., Michael Leeds, Eva Marikova Leeds, and Michael Mondello (2009).”The Role of Managers in Team Performance.” International Journal of Sport Finance, 4, n2; (May): 75-93.
- Simmons, Rob and David J. Berri. (2009) “Does it Always Pay to Specialize? The Story from the Gridiron.” Review of Industrial Organization, 34, n1; (February): 81-98.
- Berri, David J. and Rob Simmons. (2009). “Race and the Evaluation of Signal Callers in the National Football League.” Journal of Sports Economics, 10, n1; (February): 23-43
- Fort, Rodney, Young Hoon, Lee, and David J. Berri. (2008) “Race and Coaching Efficiency in the NBA.” International Journal of Sport Finance, 3, n2; (May): 84-96.
- Lee, Young Hoon and David J. Berri. (2008) “A Re-Examination of Production Functions and Efficiency Estimates for the National Basketball Association.” Scottish Journal of Political Economy,55, n1; (February): 51-6
- Berri, David J., Stacey L. Brook, and Martin B. Schmidt. (2007) “Does One Simply Need to Score to Score?”International Journal of Sport Finance, 2, n4; (November): 190-205.
- Krautmann, Anthony and David J. Berri. (2007). “Can We Find It at the Concessions? Understanding Price Elasticity in Professional Sports.” Journal of Sports Economics,8, n2;
- Berri, David J., and Martin B. Schmidt. (2006). “On the Road with the National Basketball Association’s Superstar Externality.”Journal of Sports Economics,7, n4; (November): 347-358.
- Berri, David J., and Anthony Krautmann. (2006). “Shirking on the Court: Testing for the Dis-Incentive Effects of Guaranteed Pay.” Economic Inquiry. 44, n3; (July): 536-546.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri.(2006) “What Takes Them Out to the Ball Game?” Journal of Sports Economics, 7, n2; (May): 222-233.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri.(2005) “Concentration of Playing Talent: Evolution in Major League Baseball.” Journal of Sports Economics, 6, n4; (November): 412-419.
- Berri, David J., Stacey L. Brook, Aju Fenn, Bernd Frick, and Roberto Vicente-Mayoral. (2005). “The Short Supply of Tall People: Explaining Competitive Imbalance in the National Basketball Association.” Journal of Economics Issues, v39, n4; (December): 1029-1041.
- Berri, David J. and Erick Eschker.(2005). “Performance When It Counts? The Myth of the Prime-Time Performer in the NBA.”Journal of Economics Issues, v39, n3; (September): 798- 807.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri.(2004). “Another Look at Competition: A Regime Switching Approach.” Applied Economics, 36: 2453-2460.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri.(2004). “Convergence and Clustering in Major League Baseball: The Haves and Haves Not?” Applied Economics, 36: 2007-2014.
- Berri, David J. and Todd Jewell. (2004). “Wage Inequality and Firm Performance: Examining a Natural Experiment from Professional Basketball.” Atlantic Economic Journal, 32, n2; June: 130-139.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri.(2004). “The Impact of Labor Strikes on Consumer Demand: An Application to Professional Sports.” American Economic Review, 94, n.1: March: 344-357.
- Berri, David J., Martin B. Schmidt, and Stacey L. Brook.(2004). “Stars At The Gate: The Impact of Star Power on NBA Gate Revenues” Journal of Sports Economics, 5, n1; February: 33-50.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri. (2003). “On the Evolution of Competitive Balance: The Impact of an Increasing Global Search.” Economic Inquiry, 41, n4; October: 692-704.
- Cutler, Harvey, David J. Berri and Terutomo Ozawa. (2003). “Market Recycling in Labor- Intensive Goods, Flying-Geese Style: An Empirical Analysis of East Asian Exports to the U.S.” Journal of Asian Economics 14, n1; February: 35-50.
- Berri, David J. and Martin B. Schmidt. (2002). “Instrumental vs. Bounded Rationality: The Case of Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association.” Journal of Socio- Economics (formerly the Journal of Behavioral Economics), 31, n3; 191-214.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri. (2002). “Competitive Balance and Market Size in Major League Baseball: A Response to Baseball’s Blue Ribbon Panel.” Review of Industrial Organization, 21, n1; August: 41-54.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri. (2002). “The Impact of the 1981 and 1994-95 Strikes on Major League Baseball Attendance: A Time-Series Analysis.” Applied Economics, 34, n4; March: 471-478.
- Schmidt, Martin B. and David J. Berri. (2001). “Competitive Balance and Attendance: The Case of Major League Baseball.” Journal of Sports Economics,2, n2; May:145-167.
- Berri, David J. and Christopher R. Adams. (2000). “The Social and Economic Impact of Weather Information: A Case Study of the Surface Transportation Industries”;Regional Business Review, 19; May: 13-31.
- Berri, David J. (1999). “Who is Most Valuable? Measuring the Player’s Production of Wins in the National Basketball Association.”Managerial and Decision Economics, 20, n8; Fall: 411- 427.
- Berri, David J. and Terutomo Ozawa.(1997). “Pax Americana and Asian Exports: Revealed Trends of Comparative Advantage Recycling.” The International Trade Journal 11, n1; Spring: 39-67.
Articles published in academic collections
- Greer, Tiffany, Jill Harris and David Berri. 2024 “Exploitation in College Women’s Basketball” in Essays on Sports Economics in Memory of Stefan Kesenne. edited by Placido Rodriguez Guerrero. Publications Service of the University of Oviedo. Presented originally at the XVI Gijon Sports Economic Conference (May 7, 2022)
- Berri, David. (2022). “Making Sports Economics Inclusive: Why You Aren’t Teaching Sports Economics Well if Women are not Part of your Story” in Teaching Sports Economics and Using Sports to Teach Economics (eds. Victor Matheson and Aju Fenn). Edward Elgar Publishing.’
- Berri, David. (2022) “Understanding Demand for Women’s Sports Begins with Understanding Men’s Sports History.” in Handbook for Sports Fans and Fandom (eds. Danielle Coombs and Anne Osborne). Routledge Publishers.
- Berri, David and Steve Engst. (2021). “The Economics and Finance of Professional Basketball.” in Karen Weaver (Eds.) Sport Finance. Kendall-Hunt Publishers.
- Agha, Nola and David Berri. (2021). “Gender differences in the pay of professional basketball players” in Ali Bowes and Alex Culvin (Eds.) The Professionalisation of Women’s Sport: Issues and Debates. Emerald Studies in Sports and Gender Series.
- Harris, Jill and David J. Berri. (2020). “Wins Produced in Water Polo.” in The Economics of Aquatic Sports, edited by Jill Harris.
- Berri, David. (2019). ‘The answer’ and the economics of basketball: Perceptions vs production.” In The Sage Handbook of the Economics of Sports. edited by Paul Downward, Bernd Frick, Brad R. Humphreys, Tim Pawlowski, Jane E. Ruseski and Brian P. Soebbing. Sage Reference p. 279-288
- Berri, David J. (2019). “The Relative Success Story of the WNBA.” In Routledge Handbook of the Business of Women’s Sports. edited by Nancy Lough and Andrew N. Geurin. Routledge International Handbooks.
- Simmons, Rob and David Berri. (2019). “Labor Markets in Professional Team Sports.” Papeles de Economia Española (Spanish Economic Papers). edited by Jaume García Villar
- Berri, David J. (2018). “The Failed Promise of the Draft in the NFL and NBA” In Personnel Economics in Sports. edited by Neil Longley. Edward Elgar Press. pp. 26-46.
- Berri, David J. (2016) “Paying NCAA Athletes.” Marquette Sports Law Review. v26, n.2. pp. 479-491
- Berri, David J. and Anthony Krautmann. (2013). “Understanding the WNBA On and Off the Court.” In Handbook on the Economics of Women in Sports. edited by Eva Marikova Leeds and Michael Leeds. Edward Elgar Press. pp. 132-155.
- Berri, David. J, Brad R. Humphreys, and Rob Simmons. (2013) “Valuing the Blind Side: Pay and Performance of Offensive Lineman in the NFL.” In The Econometrics of Sport, eds. Placido Rodriguez, Stefan Kessenne, and Juame Garcia; Edward Elgar Press. pp. 99-116.
- Berri, David J. (2012)“A Free Market Solution (from Europe) to the Labor Problems in North American Sports.” Originally published at Freakonomics, December 20, 2011 (
- Republished: “Adopting European System Would Eliminate Labor Issues in US Sports”. In Are Players’ Unions Good for Professional Sports Leagues? edited by Thomas Riggs. Gale Cengage Publishing. pp. 85-90.
- Berri, David J. (2012). “Measuring Performance in the National Basketball Association.” In The Handbook of Sports Economics, eds. Stephen Shmanske and Leo Kahane; Oxford University Press: pp. 94-117.
- Berri, David and Brian Burke. (2012). “Measuring Performance in the NFL.” In The Economics of the National Football League: The State of the Art, ed. Kevin Quinn; Springer Publisher: 137-158.
- Berri, David J and Ryan Rodenberg. (2011). “Crime and Punishment in the NBA” in Violence and Aggression in Sporting Contests: Economics, History and Policy, ed. R. Todd Jewell; Springer Publishers: 65-78
- Berri, David J. (2008) “A Simple Measure of Worker Productivity in the National Basketball Association.” In The Business of Sport; eds. Brad Humphreys and Dennis Howard, 3 volumes, Westport, Conn.: Praeger: 1-40.
- Berri, David J.(2007). “Back to Back Evaluation on the Gridiron.” In Statistical Thinking in Sport; eds. James H. Albert and Ruud H. Koning, Chapman & Hall/CRC: 235-256.
- Berri, David. J. (2006). “Labor Economics on the Hardwood: the NBA.” in Handbook on the Economics of Sport; eds. Wladimir Andreff and Stefan Szymanski; Edward Elgar. Publishing Limited: 523-529.
- Berri, David J. (2006) “Economics and the National Basketball Association: Surveying the Literature at the Tip-off.” in The Handbook of Sports Economics Research; edited by John Fizel; M.E. Sharpe, Inc.: 21-48.
- Berri, David J. (2004) “Is There a Short Supply of Tall People in the College Game?” In Economics of Collegiate Sports; eds. John Fizel and Rodney Fort; Praeger Publishers: 211-223.
- Berri, David J. and Stacey L. Brook. (1999). “Trading Players in the National Basketball Association: For Better or Worse?” in Sports Economics: Current Research; eds. John Fizel, Elizabeth Gustafson, and Larry Hadley; Praeger Publishers: 135-151.
- Berri, David J. and Terutomo Ozawa. “U.S. Imports: Market Recycling as a Form of Economic Aid”;in 1996 Contemporary Working Papers in International Trade and Finance; edited by Anthony Scaperlanda; Published in the proceedings of the International Trade and Finance Association meetings; January, 1996: 321-333.