The Last Hero’s Lesson!
The Last Hero’s Lesson & And Other Stories from the Road to an Inclusive America.
Economics is not often considered interesting to many people. Many people are also not fans of history. Putting the two together into Economic History… well, that is not likely to be a huge hit!
The solution? Add in some hits. As in musical hits. And hit movies! And hit TV shows. And really funny comedy bits!!!
That is what this book does!
The grand story of economic history is truly amazing. But it becomes even more amazing when we link that story to the stories told in music, Marvel movies, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, the comedy of Jerry Seinfeld, and Chris Rock, etc…
That is the approach taken in The Last Hero’s Lesson!! Yes, this book was written so that you will keep reading the fantastic story of economic history. But this e-book does more than just tell the story about economics and history. It connects that story to so many other stories you already know!!!